Geotechnical Work & Testing Services in Chennai

Geotechnical testing is essential in the civil industry to evaluate the physical, mechanical, and chemical properties of soil and rock for safe and efficient construction.

Geotechnical Works it determines the soil's bearing capacity, stability, and settlement behavior, which are critical for designing foundations and structures. By analyzing soil properties like permeability and compaction, geotechnical testing helps prevent issues like waterlogging, erosion, or slope instability. It also identifies potential risks such as liquefaction or expansive soils, ensuring mitigation measures are implemented. These tests aid in selecting the most suitable construction techniques and materials for the specific ground conditions. Overall, geotechnical testing minimizes construction risks, reduces costs, and ensures the durability and safety of infrastructure.

Geotechnical Work

☑ Standard Penetration Test ☑ Cone Penetration Test – SCPT,DCPT,DPSH ☑ Field CBR ☑ Field Vane Shear Test ☑ Field Permeability Test (SOIL & ROCK)